The term “genocide,” is derived from the Greek word genos, meaning “race” or “people,” and the Latin word cīdere, “to kill,” was first articulated by Raphael Lemkin in 1944
A United Nations Treaty defines Genocide as “Actions taken with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a National, Ethnical, Racial or Religious Group.” This treaty came to be after World War II because of the Holocaust
From what we see on TV, this is what Putin is doing. The Ukrainians are a determined people who do not want to live under Russian rule, and they are fighting back successfully. This rubs Putin the wrong way, so he gets increasingly brutal and orders his military to destroy everything in sight.
No nation deserves this, and Putin must be stopped. We need to get the word out that this is happening in Ukraine, and something must be done to stop it. The International War Crimes Tribunal will have to investigate this and make their own determination. Until then the destruction and killing continues and this is unforgivable. Putin should not be permitted to get away with this. At the least, he is a War Criminal.
You might ask yourself, why am I writing about Genocide when this blog is supposed to be about money and a father who wants to generate income so that his son can attend college without getting into debt and taking out a student loan.
I will tell you why. We live in a dangerous world, and I am concerned about my son’s future. In my “About” page I mention that I was born in Budapest, Hungary and came to the United States when I was 6 ½ years old. That is true, but there is one thing that I did not mention.
My mother was a Freedom Fighter in Hungary during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, and we had to leave because someone turned my mother in to the secret police. They were looking for her so in the dark of night my parents, my sister and I left Budapest with a small suitcase and started walking towards the Austrian border. We were escaping from the Russians, who eventually put in place a puppet government in Hungary and installed communism into the system.
Russians make a habit of doing these kinds of things and they are at it again. Putin is a dangerous leader who does not care about human life, and he is doing in Ukraine the same thing that he did in Chechnya in 1999. The Russian military destroyed the capital city of Grozny and killed tens of thousands of civilians.
Now they are doing it in Ukraine, but the substantial difference is that the Ukrainians are fighting back and putting up a good fight at that. As Sweden and Finland see what Russia is doing, they are seriously considering on joining NATO. They feel unsafe with Russia bordering Finland, and they want some security.
Russia has no right to tell Sweden and Finland, both free and independent countries that they cannot join NATO or else. Russia’s response to this is that if these two countries join NATO Russia will involve nuclear weapons to secure Russia. The United States does not want to send soldiers to Ukraine because they do not want to start World War III, which I understand. In the meantime, we watch the news and see Ukraine destroyed and innocent civilians killed.
The destruction that has been caused in the cities throughout Ukraine will take decades to rebuild. Approximately four million people have escaped from Ukraine, mostly women and children of which many will never see their fathers and husbands again.
I can sympathize with those refugees because my family went through the same thing, however Putin is more brutal than what my family experienced, and the weapons are more destructive.
So, what does this have to do with my son’s education? Let me tell you what I see, and I would love to hear your take on the situation. If the United States keeps giving more weapons to Ukraine, which I believe they will and should, Putin might go off the deep end and do something that would cause a response from NATO. If that were to happen, that could start World War III. And…if that were to happen, things will change drastically in the United States.
I want my son to go to college and not to war. I have been to war, and it makes no sense. In the end everybody loses, and it is a waste of time, money, and innocent lives.
The current leadership in the United States is weak and Russia and the rest of the world sees that. Add to that inflation, economic difficulties throughout the world, mix in with that the Pandemic and we have a world catastrophe.
I do not want to get too deep into politics, but the fact is that at this moment in history the United States IS NOT UNITED!
We have African Americans, Hispanics, Asian, Pacific Island, Middle Eastern, Indian and Native America descendants. This should not be the case because we are all Americans and should be called that and nothing else. Many Americans refuse to stand for the national anthem, and do not honor and respect the flag.
We also have Black Lives Matter, the LGBT community and many other organizations that are not happy with the way things are going for them. I dare not think of what will happen to America if the Russians decide to drop a bomb on us.
In summary, there is a mad man in Russia that is ordering his military to kill and destroy Ukraine, and if some nation interferes and does the wrong thing there will be a price to pay. That does not sound encouraging to me.
The other issue that I did not touch upon is money. You can bet that there is also money involved here, and I mean lots of money. Russia is an oligarchy, and the wealthy and elite in Russia are the ones that run the government, which of course includes Putin. Most of the oligarchs achieved their wealth after the fall of the Soviet Union, and Putin also belongs to that club. Rumors have it that he is worth 200 billion $$$. That is a lot of money for someone that only gets paid less than $200K annually.
This genocide must stop, and things need to get back to normal so that people can live their lives the way they want. Education is an important part in a person’s life, and I just want for my son what he wants and deserves. A college education, a decent job, a loving family with a few children and a peaceful life for him and his family. Everyone deserves that, including the Ukrainians.
Share this with everyone that you know so that they are aware and everything that can be done is done to STOP THIS GENOCIDE!